Marine Invertebrate Larvae in Hong Kong Waters
Hydrozoa (Class)
Leptothecata (Order)
Siphonophorae (Order) - Siphonophores
Muggiaea sp. (Genus)
Diphyes dispar (Species)
Scyphozoa (Class) - True jellyfishes
Semaeostomeae (Order)
Ctenophora (Phylum) - Ctenophores or Comb jellies
Tentaculata (Class)​
Cydippida (Order)
Pleurobrachiidae (Family)
Pleurobrachia sp. (Genus)
Platyhelminthes (Phylum) - Flatworms
Turbellaria (Class)
Mollusca (Phylum)
Thecosomata (Order)
Creseis spp. (Genus) - Pteropods
Chaetognatha (Phylum) - Arrow worms
Sagittidae (Family)
Sagitta spp. (Genus)
Flaccisagitta enflata (Species)
Annelida (Phylum)
Magelonidae (Family)
Nephthyidae (Family)
Terebellidae (Family)
Tomopteridae (Family)
Phoronida (Phylum) - Horseshoe worms
Phoronidae (Order)
Brachiopoda (Phylum) - Lamp shells
Lingulata (Class)
Lingulida (Order)
Discinidae (Family)
Discradiscus stella (Species)
Arthropoda (Phylum)
Crustacea (Subphylum)
Copepoda (Class) - Copepods
Harpacticoida (Order) - Harpacticoid copepods
Poecilostomatoida (Order)
Branchiopoda (Class)
Cladocera (Infraorder) - Cladocerans
Ostracoda (Class) - Ostracods
- Halocyprida (Order)​
Malacostraca (Class)
Amphipoda (Order) - Amphipods
Hyperiidea (Suborder)
Isopoda (Order) - Isopods
Mysida (Order)
Decapoda (Order)
Dendrobranchiata (Suborder)
Luciferidae (Family)
Sergestidae (Family)
Solenoceridae (Family)
Solenocera sp. (Genus)
Caridea (Suborder)
Alpheoidea (Superfamily)
Tozeuma sp.​
Lysmatidae (Family)
Palaemonidae (Family)
Gebiidea (Infraorder)
Laomediidae (Family)
Laomedia sp. (c.f. L. astacina) (Species)
cf. Upogebiidae (Family)
Achelata (Infraorder)
Palinuridae (Family) - Spiny lobsters
Anomura (Infraorder)
Paguroidea (Superfamily) - Hermit crabs
Paguridae (Family)
Diogenidae (Family)
Brachyura (Infraorder) - True crabs
Leucosiidae (Family)
Pilumnidae (Family)
Stomatopoda (Order) - Mantis shrimps
Squillidae (Family)
Harpiosquilla harpax (Species)
Cirripedia (barnacle nauplii) (Infraclass)
Echinodermata (Phylum)
Holothuroidea (Order) - Sea cucumbers
Chordata (Phylum)
Appendicularia (Class)
Copelata (Order)
Oikopleura dioica / longicauda (Species)
Ascidiacea (Class) - Tadpole larvae
Vertebrata (Subphylum)
Actinopterygii (Class)
Perciformes (Order)
Ambassidae (Family)
Apogonidae (Family)
Blenniidae (Family)
Callionymidae (Family)
Cynoglossidae (Family)
Gobiidae (Family)
Sebastidae (Family)
Serranidae (Family)​
Sillaginidae (Family)
Soleidae (Family)
Synodontidae (Family)
Updated on 24th October, 2017
The following is a taxonomic key of the diverse faunal groups that were collected during a 15-month zooplankton survey of Port Shelter, in the eastern waters of Hong Kong during May 2016 to July 2017. A 500 µm mesh Bongo net was deployed to target microplankton (measuring between 20-200 µm) and mesoplankton (measuring between 200-2000 µm) size ranges.
Examples of some of the genera and species found are given. Click on the names underlined for the relevant photomicrographs page in the Photo Guide.
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